Aqua and Bowser during a tour
Bowser loves people, even if he HAS to bark and growl
Gru is a mini pig that flits around the farm. He likes to be scratched and petted, but if he gets grumpy and runs into you with his nose, tell him who is boss with a quick hard tap on the nose.
Older calves in the barn who are over 2 months old and are eating at least 8 pounds of grain each day do not drink milk anymore. Currently, our weaned pens have calves like Nancy and Lucy, Fish, Celesta, Quartal, Flautaundo, Digeridoo, Mandolin, Mary, Saturday, and Morning Glory
We love visitors in the calf barn!!
After calves are born, the mom's lick them off and if everything goes well, they are up within the hour drinking! Once it is mom's turn to get milked, the calves come into the Greenhouse Barn where we dip their navel with an iodine dip to help it dry and keep it free of bacteria (this is the red you will notice on their belly, and sometimes their legs!!!)
Our calves are raised in pairs. It's been shown that cows can get anxiety if they are raised alone and then enter the herd. Having a bestie really helps!!
Calves are usually named with the same first letter as their mom's name. I love to take suggestions, and you'll find I often have themes. For example, right now all beef calves born from dairy moms have Roman God or Goddess names, and the beef calves still in pasture from beef moms have Greek God or Goddess names. Yes. I am a nerd.
Both Aqua, our Great Pyranees and Bowser the Golden Retriever can be seen often around the store! Even though Bowser sometimes growls and barks, it's usually because he is already mad you aren't petting him.
Bowser is our main greeter at the farm
Gru is a mini pig. He loves attention, but be careful if he was just laying in some cool muck. If he gets too close, just tell him to leave, or tap his snout, otherwise, pet him and watch him roll over for belly rubs!
Older calves in the barn who are over 2 months old and are eating at least 8 pounds of grain each day do not drink milk anymore. Currently, our weaned pens have calves like Nancy and Lucy, Fish, Celesta, Quartal, Flautaundo, Digeridoo, Mandolin, Mary, Saturday, and Morning Glory
We love visitors in the calf barn!!
After calves are born, the mom's lick them off and if everything goes well, they are up within the hour drinking! Once it is mom's turn to get milked, the calves come into the Greenhouse Barn where we dip their navel with an iodine dip to help it dry and keep it free of bacteria (this is the red you will notice on their belly, and sometimes their legs!!!)
Our calves are raised in pairs. It's been shown that cows can get anxiety if they are raised alone and then enter the herd. Having a bestie really helps!!
Calves are usually named with the same first letter as their mom's name. I love to take suggestions, and you'll find I often have themes. For example, right now all beef calves born from dairy moms have Roman God or Goddess names, and the beef calves still in pasture from beef moms have Greek God or Goddess names. Yes. I am a nerd.

We have lots of goats and pigs who love attention!
Just to make sure, ask if the fence in the front is turned on, and remember, goats like to smell your breath, pigs like to smell your feet!!!
We have lots of goats and pigs who love attention!
Just to make sure, ask if the fence in the front is turned on, and remember, goats like to smell your breath, pigs like to smell your feet!!!
Roosters on a cold day
Bobbie B and a friend!
Rafael and Fallon. Lots of love!
Annie has a photoshoot with one of our favorites!
Kids being Kids in the straw mow!
Annie our dear Jersey X Wagyu calf
When it's cold, calves get coats. With dry straw, it helps keep them warm!
I think Amy forgot to shut a gate.
Aurora actually let the antlers on!
Delight is Debbie's Granddaughter. At one point Debbie had a daughter, granddaughter and Great Granddaughter in the greenhouse at the same time.
Bobbie B enjoyed playing corn hole.
This is the only reason I keep a 2nd rooster when I only have 3 hens.
Debbie's Great Granddaughter on a day out! She was raised by a nurse cow as an experiment to see what I need to keep that expanding
A2D2!!! Could there be a better name?!? This was thought up by an awesome kiddo customer!!!
Coco moved on to the next barn, but she is one of our most loved! She is part Simmental, which turns out, is a very very loving breed!!!
Baloo roots around the corn hole boards
Bobbie B gets comfy on a corn hole board!
Jolene is an old lady cat, not really a kid cat.
Gru tries to get kisses whenever he can!
I understand Jolene. Completely.
Did you know pine trees are natural wormers for goats? We appreciate all the trees dropped off this year, they were all eaten and composted!
Phillip is our only male goat, and is a fainting goat. He is very handsome, and really only faints when it's time for dinner. Oh, and when I brush him or do his hooves!!!
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Our newsletter is focused on bringing you the latest in news, updates, & fun regarding Stover Farms